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  • Introducing Talents Project from National Foreign Expert Bureau (project number: 20086500065)
    Update time: 2009-10-22
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      Research on extraction and separation of triterpenoids from Alhagi sparsifolia and the efficacy of hematischesis: Introducing Talents Project from National Foreign Expert Bureau (project number: 20086500065)

      Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. is a Leguminosae plant, of the Alhagi family, which is a deciduous arbustum and naturally growth plant tolerant to drought. The leave can treat arthrosis gall, the flower heat-clearing and detoxicating, entire plants curing common cold and fever, humid heat of stomach and abdomen and enteritis, seeds febricity dysentery and odontalgia, spine sugar dysentery, body weak and azoospermia while boiled fresh plant for oral use to treat abdominal pain and distension. Professor Isaev Mahamed Isa Ogly and Sagdiev Nail from Bioorganic Chemistry Institute, Uzbekistan Academy of Science have been working on the extraction, separation and structure elucidation of Uygur medicine Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. and have designed a feasible research scheme to elucidate the structure of chemical constituents of Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. Until now, 2 scientific publications have been authorized of which 1 is published overseas.

      Research on the Chemical Constituents of Delphinium shawurense: Introducing Talents Project from National Foreign Expert Bureau (project number: 20086500109)

      The genus Delphinium, of the Ranunculaceac family, is a perennial herbaceous plant, consists of about 300 species in the world and 130 species in China, which distribute diffusely in the North Temperate Zone and are widely used as folk medicine for it possesses the efficacy of analgesia, dephlogisticating, heat-clearing and anthelminthic and can check diarrhea, treat wound and injury etc.

      Doctor Usmanova Slukhan Kuchkarovna from Phytochemistry Institute, Uzbekistan Academy of Science has been working on the extraction, separation and structure elucidation of alkaloids from Delphinium shawurense and she has obtained 7 compounds then 5 scientific publications have been authorized overseas.

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