Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (XTIPC) is proud to announce that Professor Shilie PAN and Professor Zhihua YANG have been named as "Highly Cited Chinese Researchers of 2021" by Elsevier, a globally leading academic publication group, according to a list recently released on April 14th.
Professor Shilie PAN is recognized for his contributions to "Materials Science and Engineering " and Professor Zhihua YANG to "Electronic Science and Technology". It is the second time for both professors to be on the list.
Professor PAN, also the Director of the XTIPC, devotes himself in the area of inorganic optoelectronic functional crystal materials, in which a bunch of innovative results have been obtained, especially in new nonlinear optical materials and birefringence materials. He is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Synthetic Crystals, and is also the editorial board member of Science China Materials、Inorganic Chemistry、eScience and so on. According to Scopus, Prof. PAN has published more than 540 documents.

Professor YANG dedicates in the research of optoelectronic functional crystal materials design, high-throughput forecasting and screening, and material preparation, committing to solving key scientific challenges of new material design and mechanism of performance improvement. Such researches have obtained fruitful results. According to Scopus, Prof. YANG has published more than 360 documents.

Elsevier has been releasing the "Highly Cited Chinese Researchers" annually since 2015, as a way to recognize and showcase scholars in China who facilitate insights and critical thinking across the global research arena. Based on the citations of their publication tracked by Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, 4701 Chinese scholars from 523 academic institutions were named on the 2021 list covering 10 disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, science, engineering, agriculture, medical sciences and management sciences.